Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One of those days......

You know, it just started out wrong. I am talking about the day. I mean, here it is, 10:12am and I already know that I am not going to like this day. Why? What is it about this day that has made it bad before it really has gotten a chance get totally started? Nothing. That's right. Nothing at all. No major emergencies. No crises that needed attention. No happenings that made things go south quickly. I guess it has just been one of those days that I "woke up on the wrong side of the bed." What the Hell does that mean anyway? There is only one side of my bed that I can wake up on. Well, there are actually four sides to any bed that you can wake up on. There is only one that I would want to wake up on with my bed. I guess that is where the saying came from. The idea that if you woke up on a side, other than the one you are accustomed to, or the one that is the best to wake up on with the given circumstances you may not be very happy. I know that if I woke up anywhere but where I fell asleep, I would be worried. I share my bed with no one on a regular basis. The cat sometimes joins me but his tenure there is spotty and based on his playfulness level. Too playful, he is gone. Reason? If he is too playful I will inevitably end up with two very sharp fangs being sunk deeply into the cheek of my ass. Not fun at 3am. Trust me. The only other person that may sometimes end up there is Vivian. These rare occasions are usually short-lived. She does not like the way I snore. So, waking up on the wrong side of the bed is really not an option for me. I have but one side to wake up on. I think it is the fact that my phone has rung several times this morning from numbers that I do not recognize. I am one of those people that does not usually answer if I am not familiar with the number. I wait for a message. None of the unrecognized, ignored calls this morning on my phone left messages. That annoys the piss out of me. If you are a salesman, give me the courtesy of telling me this so I can ignore your phone number in the future. If you are a bill collector, you have the wrong number. If you are someone I know, leave a freaking message. How hard is that? I am not great at retuning calls but I do try.... This random number cell phone calling coupled with the fact that I know I have a bunch of crap to catch up on today being my only day off this week has just put me in a sour mood. Yes, I am wearing one of those saggy diapers that leak. Is there any cure? Any way to change my diaper? I can think of a few things but I am not going to hold my breath until they happen. I may be holding it for a looooonnnngggg time. I do feel better. I feel as though just by saying how grumpy I am, I am not as grumpy. That's pretty cool. Ah, the power of words.


{connie} said...

hey, you just had one of my of those days you just want to get back in bed and start over, lol. though i think you need to make sure it IS the correct side you get up on. hope it gets better.

wendylu said...

lol i can always count on you for a chuckle. that was way too funny. im hoping the day gets a little better. ok alot better lol