Saturday, October 25, 2008

Quick note at 3am....

As God as my witness, I am trying.... These nights are hard. I know that when many people are hurt they are able to move through it quickly and find happiness in other ways. In other places. I, myself, cannot. This up and down crap is about enough to drive me to distraction. "Some days it don't come easy, and some days it don't come hard, and these are the days that never end..." Meatloaf. "I Would Do Anything For Love." I know I just a blog on music that I have yet to finish. This one is not about music. It's about doing anything for love. Everyone keeps telling me not to beat myself up. Stay strong. There was an amaZing man in that ample body years ago. The guy that could and would do anything for anyone. He just got lost somewhere along the way.... I am trying folks..... God, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, Shiva, and whoever other Holy Person as my witness. I am trying..... It's so damn hard. I know there are some of you who have been here. Either you told me before my story unfolded or many of you after so I know that there are many who feel my pain. To those of you who have expressed this, Thank You. Those of you who forgot/forget what it is/was like, I am so sorry. Continue to stand in judgement. I deserve it. I will always deserve it. Always and Forever. Poison. Period. Infinity. The End. On a positive note, got an invitation to Meatloaf concert next Saturday. I think I am gonna go.

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