Thursday, January 3, 2008

One more quick thought....

After finishing the last blog I just wrote, I was sitting on the back patio with a Pall Mall in one hand and my head in the other when a quote popped into my head. A quote that I have said to many who know me. Actually, if you have met and talked to me at all, I have probably said this one to you and for someone I know, it has never been more apropos than right at this very moment. I hope they get a chance to stop by and read it and as for the rest of you, keep it in your hearts as well for the times that it may just be the one thought that saves your life. Here it goes...

" I know what Burt is going through right now. It's the loneliest feeling in the world. It's like walking down a dark, empty street with only the sound of your footsteps. And all you have to do is knock on any door and say "If you let me in, I'll live the way YOU want me to live and I'll think the way YOU want me to think," and all of the blinds will go up. And all of the doors will be open. And you'll never be lonely, ever again. " -Henry Drummond (Spencer Tracy), Inherit the Wind

Words to live by, my dear friends. Words to live by. I love you all, so very much. Thank you for enriching my life in ways that I will never be able to repay you for. I hope these words will find a place in your heart. A place as important as the one they are kept in, in my heart.

1 comment:

wendylu said...

That is a very good quote. You need to give me a new blog to read :0) love ya tons!