Monday, November 26, 2007

Latin may be a dead language, but it's got some great sayings! Here are three!!

When I was in High School, we had to chose a foreign language. Everyone had to. We had to spend a few semesters in a classroom learning a language that we may or may not ever need. Usually, the instructors for these languages were as colorful as the language itself. I know that at my High School, this was all too true. There was Herr Bordwell. The German teacher. My German teacher. He looked like a cross between the Pillsbury Dough Boy and Adolf Hitler...That is no exaggeration. Great teacher, albeit a tad high strung. I know there was a woman who taught French and she was every bit of the stereotypical French teacher with the squeaky voice and the die hard insistence on only speaking French in class. Then there were the Spanish teachers and then... The Latin teacher... Mr Soto. Never had a day of class time with this man but I had many conversations with him. He was fascinating. Probably in his 60's at the time I was in High School. Probably too many substances during the 1960's as well. Very laid back. Very cool. VERY intelligent. He taught me a new Latin Phrase at least once a month during my senior year. Just for fun. Just because. There are three that have stuck with me throughout the years and in the last few weeks, these three phrases have become very prevalent in my life. Therefore, I felt compelled to share them. The first saying... Persona non Grata... Literally translated, the unwelcome person. Typically, this phrase is used in diplomatic situations where someone has stepped over the boundaries and is no longer recognized by a governing body. It can also apply to someone who feels on the outside of things. Outside for reasons that are not their choice. I consider it almost a state of being. Ever felt like a Persona non Grata? Like no one wants to let you join in the reindeer games? Like the world is having a good laugh and it's AT you, not WITH you. I hate that feeling. I may bring it on myself but I really don't like it. I have felt it recently and it sucks. When I start to feel that way, the best thing for me to do is move on to the next phrase which is... Carpe Diem... Seize the Day. We all remember the movie "Dead Poets Society." If you don't, you need to rent it. Seriously. This has to be a movie that you see. The phrase Carpe Diem was almost a theme for the movie. Seize the Day. Live life to it's fullest. Grab a hold and hang on. "Gather ye rose buds, while ye may..." Robert Herrick said it. I believe it. Knowing this, I can shake the old Persona non Grata feeling and start grabbing life by the horns. The last phrase is probably my favorite. It is one that has been attributed to Julius Caesar but there are many possibilities as to where it actually originated. The phrase... Alea Iacta Est... The Die is Cast. Uhhhhhh what? It's quite simple, really. Just as in the game of craps where once the die are thrown there is no turning back, this phrase means the dice have been thrown. Cast meaning throw as in cast away, or cast your fishing line. Caesar apparently said these words as he was leading his men into battle as if to say, "Hey boys, there is no turning back now! Drop your cocks and grab your socks because it is into the abyss!!!" So often, I have found this phrase to be a reassuring battle cry in my life when I have made a tough decision. Whenever I start to self-doubt or question a choice, I just remind myself, Alea Iacta Est. No turning back. The choice has been made. The wheels are in motion. You either stick to it, or fall behind and be left for dead. By the way, the phonetic pronunciation for this phrase, as near as I can tell, is a-lay yawk-taw es. I have also heard it pronounced o-lay yawk-taw-es. I am sure the Latins won't care. There are not too many of them around to get on you if you mess it up. I bet Mr. Soto knows the right way.....

1 comment:

wendylu said...

ok i am not entirely sure how to take this one, but good for you. you have no idea how bad i want to talk to you right now. hope everything is ok, and love the blog.